The best time to travel to Paxos is March to October
March: Average day temp 15ºc. Average hours sun per day: 5
April: Average day temp. 17ºc. Average hours sun per day: 7
May: Average day temp. 23ºc. Average hours sun per day: 9
June: 27ºc. Average hours sun per day: 11
July: Average day temp. 30ºc. Average hours sun per day: 12
August: Average day temp. 29ºc. Average hrs sun per day: 11
Sept: Average day temp. 24ºc. Average hrs sun per day: 9
October - Average day temp. 21º c. Average hours of sun per day: 7
"This villa is one of the best we’ve stayed in – such a generous space. Smaller patio for breakfast, larger terrace after supper and summer house after the beach in the late afternoon." Chris & Helen
The island is very green and there are already many wild flowers but it might still be rainy. A good time for walkers, but you’ll have to fly via Athens as there are no direct flights from the UK to Corfu yet. Boats are also limited so you might have to use the ferry on weekends.
In the village the shops are open, plus a few restaurants, bars and coffee shops. As relatively few tourists have arrived yet, the island feels authentically Paxiot and the locals will have plenty of time to talk with you.
Average day temp. 15º c. Average hours of sun per day: 5.

The Easter celebrations on Paxos are some of the most famous in all Greece. It’s the highlight of the Paxos year: candlelit processions, fireworks and brass bands. On Easter Monday, you are very welcome to join the procession of the beautifully decorated icon from Ipapandi Church in the hills down to Lakka. As you pass by village houses, the owners lay out flowers in the path of the icon.
The weather is usually clear and sunny, though it can rain and the evenings are chilly, so you will need sweaters, fleeces and jackets. But in the daytime, a T shirt is usually sufficient.
At this time of the year, the island is covered in flowers. Our own garden is a mass of sweet smelling white freesias in early April, followed by irises and then the yellow broom. Almond and cherry trees are flowering. In the evenings the fire flies are starting to appear.

This is when the season begins. It is also the season of the fireflies in the evening. You can watch them on the path up to our house and in our garden. The weather is warm, sunny and clear now, and there is usually no rain. The sea is still a bit cold, but many people swim at this time. The roses will be out and the whole island is covered in yellow and white daisies and the purple-flowered honesty. In our garden are pink wild gladioli, wild garlic, and the summer flowers, such as plumbagos and geraniums, are out.
The fruit of the loquat trees (called nesbulia by the islanders) in our garden is ripe at this time. Loquats are great for your breakfast with yoghurt and honey. The fruit also attracts a bright yellow bird called the golden oriole.
The nearby free hotel swimming pool is open at this time. In the village all the shops are open, and all the restaurants, bars and cafes. The evenings are mild enough for you to eat outside most of the time. A wonderful time for walking. Average day temp. 23º c. Average hours of sun per day: 9.

Warm and sunny, with usually no rain at all. A very good time for swimming, whether in the sea, or the nearby free hotel swimming pool. In our garden all the summer flowers, including the oleanders, are out now. The boats to Anti-Paxos are going daily from Gaios. It’s an excellent time for walking, boating and swimming. This is real summer, but not sweltering. The evenings are warm enough for it to be normal to eat outside.
Average day temp. 27º c. Average hours of sun per day: 11.

This is the full summer season and the weather is usually hot, with no rain. The best time for walking is early morning, late afternoon and early evening. It’s excellent beach weather. And there’s also the free hotel swimming pool 2 minutes away. In our garden, you will find oleanders, blue plumbago, geraniums, bougainvillea and hibiscus. Herbs are in abundance.
Average day temp. 30º c. Average hours of sun per day: 12.

This is the high season and it can be very hot, with no rain. The island is at its liveliest, though never over run. Most of the tourists at this time are Italian. The sea is warm.
The summer flowers are still out: in our garden, you will find oleanders, blue plumbago, geraniums, bougainvillea and hibiscus. Herbs are in abundance. Average day temp. 29º c. Average hours of sun per day: 11.

It’s still summery weather, but without heat waves. A very good time for swimming as the sea is at its warmest. Good also for walking. The island is quieter now but there are still enough people around for the village terraces and restaurants to be lively.
All restaurants and shops in Lakka village are open for the whole of September. In our garden, the oleanders may have finished, but there are still plenty of plumbago, geraniums, bougainvillea and hibiscus.
Average day temp. 24º c. Average hours of sun per day: 9.

There might be some rain. The sea is still warm enough for swimming. The free hotel swimming pool nearby closes towards the end of October. In Lakka village, most of the restaurants will still be open for the first half of October and there are still enough open in the second half to give you some variety. All shops are open during the whole month.
Boat hire might be difficult in the second half of the month, as it is generally more windy. Our garden is now covered with wild pink cyclamen and there is a second flowering of the white and yellow daisies. The summer flowers are still out. It’s a good time for walking, but take good walking boots or trainers, as the ground may be slippery.
Transport: the boat still goes every week day but you might need to take the ferry on weekends. Direct flights to Corfu still run till the end of October.
Average day temp. 21º c. Average hours of sun per day: 7.

There are no direct flights from the UK at this time: you fly to Athens and get an internal flight to Corfu, then board the ferry for Paxos. You can have beautiful days, but there is a lot of rain now, which is why the island is so green for the rest of the year. December is the time of the olive harvest.
One or two restaurants and cafes remain open in Lakka and most of the shops are open. It’s very quiet. An excellent time to write that book.